Predictions for Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Recent and Upcoming Eclipses
Eclipse Preview: 2021 Through 2030
Central Solar Eclipses: 2021 To 2030
Solar Eclipses Page
Lunar Eclipses Page
Solar Eclipse Links
Lunar Eclipse Links
Transits of Mercury and Venus Links
Sun and Moon Links
Eclipse Publications
Predictions Info


Welcome to - a website dedicated to predictions and information on eclipses of the Sun and Moon. You can learn more about this website by visiting the Introduction Page.

I recommend visiting Solar Eclipse Basics and Lunar Eclipse Basics before exploring other links on this page.

Finally, I welcome all comments, suggestions and corrections (via Contact) to make the very best resource on eclipses both past and future. Please help support this website by making a donation.

Clear skies.

- Fred Espenak

Recent and Upcoming Eclipses

Observer's Handbook - Eclipses During the Year (a detailed look at every eclipse in a given year)
| 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
| 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 |

Decade Tables of Solar Eclipses:
| 2001 - 2010 | 2011 - 2020 | 2021 - 2030 | 2031 - 2040 | 2041 - 2050 |
| 2051 - 2060 | 2061 - 2070 | 2071 - 2080 | 2081 - 2090 | 2091 - 2100 |

Guide for the
Total Solar
Eclipse of 2026

Click for more
Guide for the
Total Solar
Eclipse of 2027

Click for more
Guide for the
Total Solar
Eclipse of 2028

Click for more
Guide for the
Total Solar
Eclipse of 2045

Click for more
(5 volumes)

Click for more

Eclipse Preview: 2021 Through 2030

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021
Total Lunar Eclipse
2021 May 26
eclipse map

Annular Solar Eclipse
2021 Jun 10
eclipse map

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2021 Nov 19
eclipse map

Total Solar Eclipse
2021 Dec 04
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2022
Partial Solar Eclipse
2022 Apr 30
eclipse map

Total Lunar Eclipse
2022 May 16
eclipse map

Partial Solar Eclipse
2022 Oct 25
eclipse map

Total Lunar Eclipse
2022 Nov 08
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2023
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
2023 Apr 20
eclipse map

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2023 May 05
eclipse map

Annular Solar Eclipse
2023 Oct 14
eclipse map

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2023 Oct 28
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2024
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2024 Mar 25
eclipse map

Total Solar Eclipse
2024 Apr 08
eclipse map

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2024 Sep 18
eclipse map

Annular Solar Eclipse
2024 Oct 02
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2025
Total Lunar Eclipse
2025 Mar 14
eclipse map

Partial Solar Eclipse
2025 Mar 29
eclipse map

Total Lunar Eclipse
2025 Sep 07
eclipse map

Partial Solar Eclipse
2025 Sep 21
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2026
Annular Solar Eclipse
2026 Feb 17
eclipse map

Total Lunar Eclipse
2026 Mar 03
eclipse map

Total Solar Eclipse
2026 Aug 12
eclipse map

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2026 Aug 28
eclipse map

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2027
Annular Solar Eclipse
2027 Feb 06

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2027 Feb 20

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2027 Jul 18

Total Solar Eclipse
2027 Aug 02

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2027 Aug 17

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2028
Partial Lunar Eclipse
2028 Jan 12

Annular Solar Eclipse
2028 Jan 26

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2028 Jul 06

Total Solar Eclipse
2028 Jul 22

Total Lunar Eclipse
2028 Dec 31

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2029
Partial Solar Eclipse
2029 Jan 14

Partial Solar Eclipse
2029 Jun 12

Total Lunar Eclipse
2029 Jun 26

Partial Solar Eclipse
2029 Jul 11

Partial Solar Eclipse
2029 Dec 05

Total Lunar Eclipse
2029 Dec 20

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2030
Annular Solar Eclipse
2030 Jun 01

Partial Lunar Eclipse
2030 Jun 15

Total Solar Eclipse
2030 Nov 25

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2030 Dec 09

Central Solar Eclipses: 2021 to 2030

The path of every central solar eclipse (total, annular, and hybrid) from 2021 to 2030 is plotted on the world map (equidistant cylindrical projection). The central paths of total eclipses are shaded blue, while annular eclipses are shaded red. For hybrid eclipses, part of the path is shaded blue (total), and part is shaded red (annular). Major cities are plotted as black dots, scaled by population size.

eclipse map

Click HERE for a larger version of this map

For more information about these eclipses, visit: Decade of Solar Eclipses: 2021 to 2030

For a book on all solar and lunar eclipses, visit: Eclipse Almanac: 2021 to 2030

For a World Map of other decades, visit: 21st Century World Atlas of Central Solar Eclipses

Eclipse Predictions

The eclipse predictions presented here were generated using the JPL DE406 solar and lunar ephemerides. The lunar coordinates have been calculated with respect to the Moon's Center of Mass.


Much of the content presented on is based on the publications Thousand Year Canon of Solar Eclipses 1501 to 2500 and Thousand Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1501 to 2500. All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.

Permission is granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by a link and an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak,"

The use of diagrams and maps is permitted provided they are NOT altered (except for re-sizing) and the embedded credit line is NOT removed or covered.

Donations to Support

I created and was responsible for running the NASA Eclipse Website since its inception in 1996. I'm now retired. I don't have any NASA grants nor do I have funding of any kind. Nevertheless, I am passionate about the prediction of eclipses so my work continues to provide the very best information on past, present and future eclipses to anyone with an internet connection and a browsing device.

If you find the information on this web site of use, I invite you to help support Current expenses include:

Web Site Hosting - the annual fee associated with paying a service to host a web site
Domain Name - the annual fee for using the domain name
Web Site Development - occasional expenses to pay a web developer to help in creating new capabilities and features on the web site

Your generous donation can help me continue to make the very best source for predictions of solar and lunar eclipses. I've placed a PayPal donation button below for your convenience.

I am also available for presenting lectures on eclipses and astronomy at your event, meeting or convention. The honorarium I receive for speaking engagements is another way to support my eclipse work. See Public Talks and Speaking Engagements for more information.

The book sales of the Thousand Year Canon of Solar Eclipses 1501 to 2500 and the Thousand Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1501 to 2500 offer one more way of supporting

Thanks for your generous support and I wish you clear skies at your next eclipse!

- Fred Espenak

eclipse map

Please help support this web site.